Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Common Sense: Learned or Inherited?

I common sense learned or are you just born with it?

If we are just born with common sense and it can't be learned, have we lost the gene somewhere?  It seems there are more people without common sense than with it and it's getting worse.

Case in point:  Envision an elementary school located on a busy street near downtown in a fairly large city.  Along both sides of the street are cars pulled to the curb to unload children.  There are two crossing guards - one at the corner and on at a crosswalk right in front of the school.

Do the parents at the curbs unload their children on the sidewalk and walk them to the crossing guard?  NO - they throw open their car doors without looking at the oncoming traffic, get out of the car (again in the traffic), leave that car door open while the open the back door and unload their child and leave them standing between the car and the traffic while they dive back in the car for...whatever...then close both doors and dart across the street dragging their child with them.

I ask you, is this using common sense?  I think not!   Yet every single day I witness this as I drive through this school zone.  And what happens as these children grow older?  The answer is only a few blocks away at the high school down the street. 

The high school kids will walk out in front of a moving car...make eye contact with the driver and DARE the driver to hit them.  These kids are approximately 4 yards from a streetlight and a crosswalk when they do this and then laugh when the car has to stop.  Someday an angry person is going to snap and run over these kids.  All because their parents couldn't be bothered to teach them from childhood to cross the street in a normal, courteous, LEGAL way. 

I would really like to know where the common sense has gone.

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